Unlucky Caveman Episode 7

shortweird has learned – by stealing information from the interweb – that vuvuzelas has something in common with black holes.

Both emit a single continuous tone of B flat.

In 2003, astronomers at NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory detected a peculiar sound that has been annoying neighbours in space for 2.5 billion years:

We have observed the prodigious amounts of light and heat created by black holes,” said Andrew Fabian of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, England, and leader of the study. “Now we have detected the sound.

So while traveling at the speed of light cannot help you escape a black hole, humming TV show tunes at the annoying pitch of a vuvuzela just might.

Unlucky Caveman… 2 million years, 7 episodes, no vuvuzelas.

Unlucky Caveman | Episode 7
Featuring: Kris Siddiqi as Thag
Hair & Makeup: Debra Corbeil
Set Design: Rui Santos
Graphics/Titles: Vince Robles
Editing and Special Effects: Paul Hessel
Post-Audio: Pete Yake
Created, Produced and written for YTV by: Marcel St. Pierre

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