214-word post, or “Mark Twain”

It was Mark Twain who said “no man, deep down in his own heart, has any considerable respect for himself.”

Twain was always morose when he was forced into questionable but lucrative employment, be it a European speaking tour, or, as was currently the case – when he was forced to fight a dinosaur.

It was 1897, and Twain was practically bankrupt due to a failed investment in a “revolutionary” typesetting machine.

As he donned his exosuit, a gift from green-skinned travelers he’d met in Brussels, “probably spacemen,” he considered for a moment how unfair to pit him, a thinking man, against a regenerated beast that had no idea why these tiny creatures were peering at it from the top of a pit.

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He was in little real danger; as soon as it was done tossing him around like a chew toy a couple times, they’d shoot the thing down with half a dozen Gatlin guns.  He always felt guilty after the poor things were killed, and their bones reburied and passed off as fossils.

And that, too, was profitable.

Mark Twain

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